Day 4 – Sunday March 25th, 2012

I woke up today at 10:30am, feeling pretty good. I left Brooke to sleep some more, and I went downstairs to prepare to leave to go scoop up C-Rose. When I got in the kitchen I saw all my Advocare stuff and just felt lost! Where to start? I swallowed the cleansing drink and made my Spark while gathering some grapes and my medications/Advocare capsules for the day.

After picking up Carly, we set out for a Daddy-Daughter day at Mariano’s for some grocery shopping. We arrived at the store at about noon, and before going in I ate my three hard boiled eggs. It was tough to choke them down this time. While we were shopping I ate some more grapes, and the capsules. After we got home I put her down for a nap and had a sandwich with Buffalo Chicken breast lunch meat, a slice of American cheese, and some mustard. I had to choke this down too.

Now it’s almost 3:30 pm, and I am nearly caught up in my Advocare cycle. I am supposed to eat a snack right now, but I truly cannot. I guess I am going to have to skip the snack, and have an early dinner instead. We are going to see the Lorax tonight, so that should be fun. Dinner will be Asian turkey lettuce wraps with lots of fresh veggies.  I will update later if there is anything good to share.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I picked up some mild giardiniera at the store!

Update @ 9pm: Went and saw the Lorax and I ate some popcorn. I was able to stay away from the soda though.  The Lorax was AWESOME. Highly recommended. I was still feeling good up until bed time and I wasn’t hungry at all. Eating a half bucket of popcorn will do that to you though. It was neat to see how they brought Dr. Seuss’ world to life, and extended the story outward to translate to the screen.  I was a little worried that they’d ruin the basic story by adding too much. The makers of this did a super job.

I’m starting to get worried as I’ve now cheated on the 24 day challenge twice. I still feel very good, and I actually even feel like I lost some weight. I want the best results possible though so it’s time to buckle down. No more monkey business for me. Tomorrow is a new day.

About pyite76

37 year old Alternative Education (High School) teacher. Married with one two year old, and another on the way April 26th!

Posted on March 25, 2012, in Advocare 24 day challenge, Advocare Spark, giardiniera, Mariano's, weight loss and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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