Day 5 – Monday March 26th, 2012

Woke up around 8:30am (first time in quite a while) for my first day of spring break. Today Carly and I are going to my mom’s retirement party. I am packing a lunch and snacks of veggies, a chicken sandwich, fruit, and some almond butter with celery. I ate my eggs and a banana in the car on the way to the party, and earlier I drank a Spark and had some grapes. It really does feel like you eat a lot on this program. I haven’t had many hunger pains/cravings.

When we got the party I noticed right away it was catered by Buona Beef. I decided to live a little and eat with everyone else, and save my packed food for later. (Right after I talked about being good, I know. It’s hard!) Buona means “good”.

I had some Italian beef with hot peppers (no bread), a few gnocchi, and a salad with very little dressing. I was able to skip the sweets, and pop, saying no to cupcakes and cake. I still feel bad for eating red meat instead of my lean proteins and wheat bread, but my mom only retires once so I might as well live a little. (I know, I need to stop saying that!). Pretty soon I’ll be stopping at McDonald’s and making up excuses as to why I could eat it. It just seems like things keep coming up where I am tempted beyond control. I plan on being good from this point forward. No more funny business.

Despite cheating on pizza, popcorn, and the Italian beef, I really think I did to a good job of limiting my portion size. This has been a problem in the past so the taste of these foods was welcomed, and I was able to skip away without getting seconds and thirds and fourths. I’d really regret getting to the end of this 24 days and not lose any weight because I blew it.

Since we had to travel so much for the party, and then attend a doctor’s appointment for Brooke, I can’t work out today. I’m a little disappointed, but the rest of my week is clear and I plan on getting a workout in Tues-Wed-Thurs-Fri. That should help get back on track.

Tonight we are doing leftovers for dinner, and I will probably have some of the leftover Asian turkey lettuce wraps. To be continued…..

Edit @ 5pm. Well an old friend came in from out of town, and we had to meet up for an early dinner. We went to a Chinese food buffet and destroyed the place. Just kidding! I’ll add more later today when I have more to share….

Ate the leftovers for dinner as planned. Took C-Rose for a walk with the dogs, and then played with her for about an hour worth of activity. Sumpin bettahden nuttin.

Fell asleep early tonight…

About pyite76

37 year old Alternative Education (High School) teacher. Married with one two year old, and another on the way April 26th!

Posted on March 26, 2012, in Advocare 24 day challenge, Advocare Spark, weight loss and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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